I am worn out and totally fulfilled. This weekend was a great party which didn’t finish till Sunday morning. My good friend Jason and his beautiful wife Linda filled my every moment with pleasure, love, sensuality and just great sex. Linda shared about her escapade at a swingers club in Atlantic City and I put her story together so you can share in her “sexploits”. Linda does love her sex and tells us all about her “Lifestyle Swingers Club” fun time.
Check out her series of “Sex is My Hobby” with a FREE ebookClick Hereor listen to the series with her Audiobooks - Click Here I am now off to Dominican Republic for sun and fun at the pool. Will talk to you from there. Drop me a line and let me know what you’re up to or just leave a comment so we can all have fun together. Love you. J
Met this couple three weeks ago and became very close. We left on their boat and spent two and a half weeks sailing around in the gulf. The water was magnificent, the sun fantastic, the sex beyond words and the friendship beyond expectations. Left them in Ft. Myers but they will be back in a month and I can’t wait.
It is times like these that I am so happy to be single and free to be me. Maybe I will settle down someday, but honestly, I doubt it. LOL. Love to you all and special kisses to my two sailing sex partners. Can’t wait to see you soon. Check out one of my books or audiobooks so you can have fun with me. Click here. Want a FREE BOOK from my series SEX IS MY HOBBY? Click here Love to all J